Generally speaking, if you get a car loan and it is no longer used, you can refund it. This will be calculated based on early repayment, and you will need to pay liquidated damages. There are two main ways:
1. Full repayment in advance: After the loan bank has reviewed the relevant materials and they are correct, the loan bank will go through the formalities for full repayment in advance.
2. Partial repayment in advance and the loan term remains unchanged: the lending bank instructs the borrower to fill in the relevant agreement.
Generally speaking, it is not easy to return the car in your situation. Because your loan has been reviewed and approved, unless you don’t need your deposit or down payment, it cannot be refunded, and some places also stipulate that as long as the bank has issued the loan, it cannot be refunded. The car is gone. However, although the car itself cannot be returned, you can first find a company loan to repay the loan. After repaying the loan, you can sell the car, so that you can recover a certain amount of funds.