1. Create a new text file containing redis commands
SET Key0 Value0
SET Key1 Value1
SET KeyN ValueN
If you have the raw data, it's not that hard to construct this file, e.g., shell, python
2. Convert these commands into Redis Protocol.
Because Redis pipeline functionality supports Redis Protocol, not direct Redis commands.
See the script that follows for how to convert.
3. Inserting with Pipes
cat data.txt | redis-cli --pipe
Shell VS Redis pipe
The following is a test to specifically look at the efficiency of the Shell batch import versus the Redis pipe.
Test idea: Insert 100,000 of the same data into the database via shell script and Redis pipe respectively, and see how long each takes.
The script is as follows:
#! /bin/bash
for ((i=0;i<100000;i++))
echo -en "helloworld" | redis-cli -x set name$i >>redis.log
The value inserted each time is helloworld, but with different keys, name0, name1.... . name99999.
Redis pipe
Redis pipe can be a little tricky
1> First construct the text file for the redis commands
Here, I chose python
#! /usr/bin/python
for i in range(100000):
print 'set name'+str(i),'helloworld'
# python 1.py > redis_commands.txt
# head -2 redis_commands.txt
set name0 helloworld
set name1 helloworld
2> Translate these commands into Redis Protocol
Here, I'm utilizing a shell script available on github A shell script,
#! /bin/bash
while read CMD; do
# each command begins with *{number arguments in command}\r\n
XS=($CMD); printf "*${#XS[@]}\r\n"
# for each argument, we append ${length}\r\n{argument}\r\n
for X in $CMD; do printf "\$${#X}\r\n$X\r\n"; done
done < redis_ commands.txt
# sh 20.sh > redis_data.txt
# head -7 redis_data.txt
$ 10
This completes the data construction.
Test results