Of course, pay it off in advance in one lump sum. You should be talking about the interest you owe. You can pay back the money yourself. If it is the principal, you should wait to be deducted. You have to transfer the money to Alipay every month 1- 10, and the money will be automatically deducted on the 20th, and the repayment will be successful around the beginning of the next month.
Second, after paying off the student loan, I need to transfer the money to the bank card bound to Alipay signed by the contract. Is there anything else I need to do? Is it a direct debit from the bank?
You need to recharge the money into your Alipay account, and Alipay will deduct it. In fact, it is not necessarily the card bound in the contract. As long as it is your own bank card, anyone who opens online banking can recharge it. For the sake of caution, please call the local education bureau, China Development Bank and Alipay Customer Service Center.
Third, when college students repay student loans, will the system automatically deduct the money after transferring the money to Alipay account?
Yes, it will be deducted automatically.
Before the repayment date, the funds to be repaid need to be recharged to the borrower's Alipay account and deducted from the corresponding bank.
2 1 day of each month is the Alipay deduction date. Please check the balance of Alipay account on 22nd. If the funds are not deducted, the repayment is unsuccessful. If the funds have been deducted and cleared, please log in to the loan system on the following month 1 day to confirm whether the repayment is successful.
Deferred 1, normal repayment
The so-called normal repayment means that the borrowing students repay the loan principal and interest in full and on time according to the loan contract.
Step 2 mention
The so-called prepayment means that the loan principal and interest are settled in one lump sum. Therefore, students who don't want to pay interest on student loans can choose before graduation.
Every year, after165438+1October 20th, you will log in the principal and interest of the student-origin loan of China Development Bank, and keep an account before1February 5th. The bank will notify Fu Bao five days before the repayment date on June 20th (65438+February 20th). If the student's mobile phone number and mailing address change, please log in to the Student Loan System of China Development Bank in time to make changes.
From 1 to 10, you can apply for prepayment every month, and all debts that need to be repaid in advance can be repaid.
Borrowing students must apply for a new student loan in the student aid system of China Development Bank before 10 every month, and deposit the funds in full into the corresponding repayment account before 15 that month.
On the 20th of each month, Fu Bao will deduct the corresponding amount from the student's personal Alipay account on the prepayment deduction date. Students can log on to the online system to check the results of prepayment. If the application is resubmitted within the specified time.