The calculation formula of overdue fee in bill system is: total amount of liquidated damages = total unpaid amount × liquidated damages rate × days of default;
The calculation formula of overdue fee for order-based IOUs is: total liquidated damages = total unpaid amount (all unpaid principal+all unpaid installment service fees) * liquidated damages rate * days of default.
2. Overdue treatment: you will not be able to participate in the overdue IOUs, and you will reserve the right to provide your default information to relevant government departments, industry supervision and management institutions or other legally established credit management institutions.
I suggest you keep good consumption habits and pay back on time, so as to accumulate good credit and enjoy better financial services.
If JD.COM reminds users of overdue payment for many times, the daily penalty will be 0.03%.
In other words, complaints may be received after 30 days or after the first payment is unpaid.