Most lending institutions will check the personal credit information when reviewing the applicant's information. If the credit information is poor, it is generally difficult to pass the audit. As a flying loan with a good pass rate, will the applicant's credit information be checked during the audit?
It is understood that the flying loan will look at personal credit information.
Second, do you have a credit report for flying loans?
According to the official response of Flying Loan, if the lender has a bad repayment record, the system will automatically upload the overdue information of the user to the credit information system of the People's Bank of China, leaving a stain on the credit information record, which will have a series of adverse effects on the lender's future life, and the consequences will be more serious.
Therefore, I solemnly remind you that you must develop the good habit of repaying on time, do not have bad behaviors such as overdue, and take care of your credit.