The loan amount should be in line with the individual's affordability. Don't give yourself too much pressure. The house is big enough to live in. We can't be greedy, house prices are not what they used to be, and risks still exist, especially in economically underdeveloped areas. Choose the party with better credit information: because banks mainly check the main lender when checking credit information, it will affect the loan amount and loan life, and serious banks will refuse to lend.
It's easy for couples to buy a house together. It depends on whose income is higher. General income proves to be twice the monthly payment. If the husband and wife buy a house together, they must pay for it. If it is a provident fund loan, two people can lend together, and husband and wife are inseparable. One party is the lender and the other party participates as a co-lender. The co-lender must be one of the owners of the mortgaged property in addition to the lender's immediate family (husband and wife, parents and children).
As a rule, choose a husband. First, choose a husband. If you work longer hours, lesbians will retire early and work shorter hours. Second, the average husband's salary is higher, so it is easier to repay the loan. Or a person's loan amount. If there are many provident fund loans, whoever pays more provident fund will use the name of the loan. It is very simple because the interest will be less, including the subsequent monthly payment, and you can also use the provident fund to repay the loan, which has no impact on your life.