First of all, it is natural to pay off debts. If you really owe a loan, no matter what the loan is, you still have to negotiate to repay it, except for the informal one. Usually, you have to repay the loan. If you have no income for the time being, you can take the initiative to negotiate with them to see how to repay by installments. After all, the ultimate goal of online lending companies is to ask for money. As long as you negotiate with them and apply for a way to stop or lower interest rates, it is usually the same.
Second, look at the online loan first, and then pay it back first. On the one hand, we should actively seek the help of family members to negotiate. It is also necessary to distinguish which online loans are on credit, even if the credit is borrowed from the east and the west, it must be returned first. Once the credit is spent, many things can't be done, at least it will be a big problem to buy a house and a car with a loan in the future. In addition, if you can't find a job at the moment, you can discuss with your elders and ask for their help. I believe that only your relatives can help you in the end.
Third, online lending depends on whether it is usury. Assuming that the interest rate is too high, you should call the police in time and complain to the CBRC to protect your own interests. There are also many informal online loans, and the interest is too high. Without a job, if you don't pay back a penny, the interest will accumulate. At this time, you need to know whether this online loan is usury. Suppose, report to the CBRC in time to protect your own interests and money.
Fourth, online loans will be repaid after all. Working hard to make money is king. For whatever reason, I have no income for two months and owe 30,000 online loans. After all, it is not the way. While negotiating repayment with online loan companies, it is king to actively find a job to make money. Otherwise, the previous negotiations will be in vain. What's the use of negotiating repayment without work unless your relatives and friends are willing to help? After all, only when you have a stable income can you fundamentally pay off the online loan.
To sum up, although the work is really unstable this year for various reasons, it is really a headache to face nearly 30 thousand debts. Therefore, the only thing we can do is to negotiate with the online loan company as soon as possible, knowing that it is useless to escape. Then the address book will be blown up. In addition, we must find a way to find a suitable job. With a job, there is security. In short, 30,000 online loans are not too much. Relying on your own efforts and the help of your family, it is not difficult to solve it. We must work hard and overcome any difficulties.
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