The 2022 Banking Qualification Examination is scheduled to be held from May 21st to 22nd. It is currently less than two months before the exam starts. Below, will share with you some exam-taking skills to help you improve your ability to pass the exam. Rate.
1. The combination of teaching materials and test questions is essential
In order to achieve efficient learning and consolidate the knowledge points learned, the combination of teaching materials and test questions is an important prerequisite condition. However, it does not necessarily mean that just reading the textbook and answering questions will make you efficient. Whether reading the textbook or answering questions, candidates must think more, summarize more, mark the key contents in the book, and answer questions while doing so. Taking notes while doing it, I believe the results will be significant.
2. Read the questions and options carefully
In previous exams, failure to understand the meaning of the questions was one of the important reasons for the low score rate of multiple-choice questions, so before answering the questions , candidates must first carefully read the meaning of the question and each option. In the multiple-choice questions, there are 2 to 4 correct answers, so candidates must choose the correct answer based on the meaning of the question.
3. Build a knowledge framework
During the learning process, each candidate should connect the test points together with the knowledge they have learned, and then connect the points into lines. Lines form a surface, and each knowledge point is built into a knowledge framework structure and drawn into a mind map to make one's ideas clearer and more helpful for mastering and understanding the knowledge points.
4. Know how to use question-answering techniques
In addition to preparing for the exam, candidates also need to know the corresponding problem-solving methods and techniques. When answering questions, you can appropriately adopt elimination methods and comparisons. Methods such as method and filtering method are used to solve the problem. First, the absolutely wrong options are eliminated, and then the correct answer options are found from different conditions, scope, options consistent with the question stem, etc.