First of all, your debt situation will affect your credit rating and borrowing ability. Although many small loan platforms do not need credit reporting, cooperative third-party credit reporting platforms will record your repayment, which will have an impact on your borrowing on other platforms. In order to master your own big data situation, you can get accurate and complete big data reports on Zhiyi Big Data.
In addition, the bank loan application requires that you have sufficient repayment ability. Banks usually evaluate your repayment ability according to your income, liabilities, credit history and other factors. If your monthly income can cover your current liabilities and new housing loans, then you have a certain chance to apply for a bank loan to buy a house.
However, the repayment ability depends not only on your income, but also on your living expenses and other expenses. Please consider your debt situation comprehensively and plan your repayment ability before making a decision. If your repayment ability is difficult, you can also consider ways to reduce debt, increase income or adjust the purchase budget.
To sum up, if your repayment ability is strong enough to meet the requirements of bank loans, and you manage your debts through reasonable financial planning, then you may borrow money to buy a house.