Generally, you will not be reminded of repayment at any time after your loan, because repayment itself is your own business, and you need to repay according to the agreement, unless there is an agreement to remind repayment in the loan contract.
For example, when we borrow money from a regular bank, the lender's main obligation is to provide loans to the borrower in the time and quantity stipulated in the contract, so that the borrower can use the loans in time. If the lender fails to perform this obligation due to its own fault, it shall be liable for breach of contract. Lenders have the responsibility to exercise credit supervision. China's unified civil code stipulates that the People's Bank of China, specialized banks and credit cooperatives shall supervise the performance of economic contracts through credit management and settlement management. Therefore, the lender has both the right and the responsibility to supervise the use of the borrower's loan, so as to urge the borrower to earnestly perform the contract and maintain the seriousness of the loan contract.