The calculation of bank interest is based on the formula made by computer, which is more complicated. Your monthly repayment is getting less and less, which proves that your repayment method is equal to this. Roughly estimated, the principal to be repaid every month is 680,000 /360 months = 1.888 yuan, which means that you have repaid 1 year, and the principal of 22,666 yuan is gone. So if you prepay this month, of course, you can prepay as long as it is a multiple of 65,438+0,000, and interest will not be calculated on the money that has been repaid.
You need to go to the bank in advance to apply for prepayment. The bank will help you work out the detailed figures, let you put the money into your monthly debit card, and he will deduct it. After you pay off, the bank will issue you a repayment certificate. I will give you a green certificate of other rights.