1. Student loan repayment is 8,000 per year after 4 years of graduation?
No, you can repay part of it every year. But it must be repaid within the stipulated time, otherwise it will affect your credit report
2. I took out a credit student loan from my place of origin in 2008, and borrowed a total of ***12,000 for two years...
Log in to the loan system to check, /, the student loan information system of the student's place of origin. The password is usually the last 6 digits of the ID card. If you cannot log in, you can consult the teacher in charge of the loan in the local area to reset it.
3. If the national student loan is 8,000 per year for four years of undergraduate study, how much money will you have to repay each year after graduation (total principal and interest)?
The same level of national student loans announced at the same time Base rate. The state subsidy is provided to students with loans during their studies at school, and the interest after graduation is borne by the principal of the loan
Repayment period
Students choose within 1-2 years after graduation based on their personal circumstances. The time when principal repayment begins, and the principal and interest of the loan will be paid off within six years.
4. Is the student loan for the student’s place of origin 8,000 a year or a total of 8,000 for four years?
It is 8,000 per year for four years, and 2,000 per year for poverty. If you want to apply for this student loan, you must have a guardian’s certificate, relevant documents, and meet relevant conditions