Normal credit card installment will not affect credit history. What affects the loan is that there is something wrong with the customer's credit information, which is embodied in the credit card, that is, the credit card has an overdue record and forms a bad record.
As long as there is normal repayment in each installment after installment, there will be no bad record and the loan will not be affected; On the other hand, if the repayment is not made in time after the installment, resulting in overdue, then even the installment will affect the credit investigation and ultimately the loan.
Extended information loan is a form of credit activity in which banks or other financial institutions lend monetary funds at a certain interest rate and must return them. Loans in a broad sense refer to loans, discounts, overdrafts and other borrowing funds. Banks put concentrated money and monetary funds out through loans.
Credit Card (English: credit card), also known as credit card. It is a non-cash transaction payment method and a simple credit service. Credit card is generally a special carrier plastic card with consumer credit, which is 85.60mm long, 53.98mm wide and 1mm thick.
Reference Credit Card _ Baidu Encyclopedia