2. If you have money in your account, check with the bank, open a letter of credit or wire transfer, and the bank will give you preferential terms and to what extent.
3. Has the enterprise done import and export business before? Are the electronic ports, commodity inspection and customs registered? Have you applied for the payment limit? You don't have to pay as much as you want. The foreign investment management office will give you a quota.
After all the above is done, the import business can be carried out normally.
The operation behind is the same as that downstairs.
Advance payment should be filed at the electronic port first, that is, contract/foreign exchange payment registration. After the news arrives at the bank, you should apply to the bank for payment and provide the relevant information required by the bank to apply for foreign exchange payment.
After payment, it is also to prepare the case, apply to the bank, and provide relevant documents to apply for payment.