In The Age of Big Data [1] by Viktor Mayer Sch?nberg and Kenneth Kukier Big Data refers to the use of all data for analytical processing without using shortcuts such as random analytics (sampling). The 5V characteristics of Big Data (proposed by IBM): Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value, Veracity. [2]
Chinese name
Big data
Foreign name
big data,mega data
Proposed by
Viktor Mayer-Sch?nberg and Kenneth Kukier
Proposed by
Mid-August 2008
Applied disciplines
Computers, Information Science, Statistics
CharacteristicsStructureApplicationsSignificanceTrendsTrendsIT AnalyticsTools for Development
For the term "Big data" the research organization Gartner gives this definition. Gartner offers this definition. "Big data" is the need for new processing models in order to have greater decision-making power, insight discovery and process optimization capabilities to adapt to the massive volume, high growth rate and diversity of information assets.