1, shift+ mode;
2, find STAT;
3, 1.on;
4, AC;
5, shift+1 (STAT);
6, 5.reg;
7, 1.A - the -intercept;
8, 2.B - slope,3.R - correlation coefficient.
The calculator has four states: Norm, Fix, Eng, and Sci, with the functions of specifying a range of exponential notation, setting decimal places, engineering calculations, and setting valid digits. If the calculator is in one of the other three states it may make an arithmetic error.
Deg is the state that sets the calculator's angle in degrees; *** there are six:
Deg-Specifies degrees as the preset unit.
Rad-Specifies radians as the preset unit.
Gra-Specifies the gradient as the preset unit. Also known as "percent" and "newness".