Generally, when applying for a personal bank loan, the borrower's income needs to be twice the monthly repayment amount, and the running salary is the best proof. But what should I do if the running salary is not high enough to meet this requirement? Those who want to know may wish to have a look here.
How can I apply for a loan if my salary is not high?
For the borrower, my salary is mainly reflected in proving my repayment ability, but if my salary is not enough, I can also prove my repayment ability in other ways:
1 There are many kinds of bank running water, besides salary running water, there are also self-storage running water and transfer running water, and both of them can play as important a role as salary running water. For freelancers or self-employed, you can use this to prove your repayment ability.
2 If you want to prove your repayment ability, it is also a good way to prove your own assets, such as owning a house, a car, a large deposit certificate, etc. These fixed assets can be used to apply for a bank loan.
3 There are many loans that don't require the applicant's salary to flow, that is, you only need to submit proof of work income, and you don't need to submit proof of salary flow, so you can have a stable salary, but the amount of such loans is relatively low.
The above are some loan tips to share with you. You should know that different loan products have different requirements for borrowers. I suggest you choose according to your actual situation.