First, ensure that your personal credit record is good. Nowadays, personal credit records are paid more and more attention by lending institutions. When accepting loan applications, various institutions will check the applicant's credit report and decide whether to lend based on the credit situation. In daily life, the key factors that affect personal credit records are overdue credit cards and overdue loans. If your personal credit record is excellent, or you often have large loans with banks but have never been overdue, such applicants will get a higher loan limit. Therefore, in our daily life, we need to carefully protect our personal credit, repay credit card debts or borrowings in full and on time, and cancel credit cards that have not been used for a long time in a timely manner.
Second, the stability and type of personal work. Lending institutions prefer people with relatively stable jobs, such as civil servants, employees of large state-owned enterprises, Fortune 500 companies, technicians or managers, or teachers, doctors, etc. This group of people have stable jobs and relatively strong repayment abilities and will not If you default on your loan, the borrowing risk is lower.
Third, increasing the credit loan limit can provide proof of property. When borrowing in Zhengzhou, if you can provide proof of financial resources such as real estate certificate, driving license or stocks, you can easily increase the loan amount when applying for a credit loan. Moreover, you only need to provide copies of these documents and no mortgage is required.