For personal credit loans, the borrower's credit information will be checked. Even if you can see the basic information of your spouse, such as name, ID number, contact number, etc., you will not check your spouse's credit information. However, compared with single people, married people are considered to be relatively stable and can get extra points when lending.
Conditions for applying for mortgage loan:
1, the applicant has full capacity for civil conduct;
2. Have a permanent residence or valid residence certificate in China;
4. Have a fixed occupation or a stable economic income;
No bad credit record.
Legal basis:
People's Republic of China (PRC) Civil Code
Article 1089
At the time of divorce, both husband and wife should bear the same debts. * * * If the same property is not paid off or the property belongs to each other, it shall be paid off by mutual agreement; If the agreement fails, the people's court shall make a judgment.
Article 1076
If the husband and wife voluntarily divorce, they shall sign a written divorce agreement and apply for divorce registration in person at the marriage registration office. The divorce agreement shall specify the expression of willingness of both parties to divorce and the consensus on matters such as child support, property and debt disposal.