Of course. You and I can negotiate to postpone the repayment. After handling your loan, if the user is unable to repay the loan, he can try to call the customer service phone of your loan and communicate with the other party to negotiate the repayment. Pay attention to sincerity in the negotiation process, inform the other party of the inability to repay, and it is best to provide proof of inability to repay, and indicate the willingness to repay to the other party to see if it is possible to negotiate an extension or reduce interest. If the negotiation is successful, the money will be returned on time according to the negotiation result. If the negotiation fails, the repayment must be made on time according to the contract.
As an internet financial platform, you and I do not blindly pursue the maximization of interests, but have certain flexibility and negotiation space when borrowers cannot repay on time. Therefore, in case of special circumstances, the borrower can take the initiative to communicate with you and me and seek the possibility of delaying repayment through consultation. It should be noted that overdue will have a serious impact on users' personal credit information and bear a high overdue penalty interest. If it is really impossible to avoid overdue, then you must answer the platform's collection phone after overdue, actively communicate and find ways to raise money as soon as possible.