If you have a loan in the bank before, you can get another loan to buy a house, provided that the previous loan is repaid on time. There are many types of housing loans, taking the most common mortgage loan as an example. Conditions for applying for a mortgage to buy a house: (1) Borrower requirements: 1. Natural persons aged 18-60 years old (Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreigners are also acceptable); 2. Have a stable career, stable income, and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on schedule; 3. .The actual age of the borrower plus the loan application period should not exceed 70 years. (2) Information required: 1. Original and 3 copies of ID cards and household registration of the applicant and spouse (if the applicant and spouse do not belong to the same household, a marriage relationship certificate must be attached); 2. Original house purchase agreement ; 3. An original and a copy of the advance payment receipt for a house price of RMB 20 or more; 4. Documents proving the applicant’s family income and relevant asset certificates, including salary stubs, personal income tax returns, income certificates issued by the unit, bank deposit certificates, etc. ; 5. One copy of the developer’s collection account number. (3) Materials that the borrower should provide: 1. Identity cards, household registers of both spouses/temporary residence certificate and household register for foreigners; 2. 2 marriage certificates/divorce certificates or court judgments/certificates of single status; 3. Proof of income (specified by the bank) format); 4. A copy of the unit’s business license (with official seal); 5. Credit certificate: including academic certificates, other properties, bank statements, certificates of deposit, etc.; 6. If the borrower is a corporate legal person, it must also be provided Business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, articles of association, and financial statements that have been inspected annually.