This is the biggest and most important link. Here, it is necessary to study the investment and financing mode, project price mode, project risk sharing scheme, construction supervision scheme, operation service supervision scheme, project exit mechanism and investor selection mode of the whole project, which are the core contents we want to study.
Second, it is the preparation of the implementation plan.
It used to be called pre-feasibility study, but it is easily confused with the pre-feasibility study in general construction project management procedures, so we call it implementation plan in PPP process. The process of PPP project operation is not in conflict with the traditional project management process, but complementary. China has a mature system for project management. Just because it is a PPP project, it can get special treatment, so it can not follow the national project management rules. This is not the concept. According to the traditional rules, we must do the feasibility study and the preliminary design. This procedure is important, but because we want to do PPP and deal with some relationships between local governments and social investors, we need to add a process of PPP implementation plan.
Third, it is the implementation plan approval.
Strictly speaking, the subject of examination and approval is the local government, but in the actual operation process, the Development and Reform Commission, together with the departments of finance, taxation and environmental protection, jointly reviewed the Implementation Plan and reported it to the municipal government for approval.