Generally, if you don't pay taxes, the tax bureau will order you to pay within a time limit. If you don't pay taxes, it constitutes tax arrears, and you need to pay taxes, fines and late fees.
At the same time, the tax bureau can ask you to provide tax payment guarantee. If you don't provide a guarantee, take security measures, that is, detain your things (except daily necessities) until you pay them off within the time limit.
If it is overdue, it will be forced to take measures. What you detain will be auctioned, and the auction money will be used to offset taxes, late fees and fines.
Bad luck and bad attitude will also violate the crime of tax evasion in the criminal law, and the tax bureau will hand over the case to the public security bureau. This crime can be seen by yourself.
If you don't pay taxes by violent means, you have violated the "crime of resisting taxes" in the criminal law, and the tax bureau will hand it over to the public security bureau. You can also see the charges yourself.
Therefore, it is suggested that a more moderate approach can be adopted. If you are in doubt about the tax amount, you can ask for a nuclear low point. In fact, the following factors can be compared in tax verification: location, area, business scope, business scale and so on. If several major business factors are similar, and you have doubts about the approved tax amount, you can pay it first, then take administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit directly.
Personal opinion, for reference only.