(1) How long will it take to get the tax agent certificate?
According to incomplete statistics, the time for most candidates to pass the tax agent exam is generally 2-3 years. More and more young candidates take the exam in order to strengthen their own strength when they are young, so that they can get better development in the future and have better prospects and development opportunities. In fact, these young candidates' concerns are right, and the sooner they get it, the better.
(2) What is the tax agent's salary?
1, a first-tier city in China
Inexperience: 4-6k; Work 1-3 years: 8-15k; Working for 5 years or more: 20- 100k.
2, second-tier cities
Inexperience: 3-5k; Work 1-3 years: 5-10k; Working for 5 years or more: 10-45k
3, third-tier cities
Inexperienced: 2-4.5k; Work 1-3 years: 3-5k; Working for more than 5 years: 5- 10k