1. Financial statements: including balance sheet, income statement, balance sheet, etc. These statements will reflect the financial position and operating performance of the organization.
2. Vouchers: including receipts and payments, such as invoices, receipts and payments, payment vouchers, etc. These vouchers will support the data authenticity of financial accounting statements.
3. Account book: including journal, general ledger, details, etc. These account books record the income and expenditure of the organization and the flow of funds.
4. Bank statement: The bank statement of the institution can prove the transactions in the bank account, including deposits and transfers.
5. Tax returns: such as tax returns and enterprise returns. These reports show the tax situation of the organization.
6. Contracts and agreements: The organization involves economic cooperation with others and needs to provide relevant contracts and agreements.
7. Financial audit report: The institution has conducted an independent audit and needs to provide an audit report to prove the reliability of financial data.