Ant financial service loan does not need to be repaid. Generally speaking, formal lending institutions do not ask customers for money, but only charge loan interest according to regulations, and they still charge it when repaying. When you encounter a loan that needs to be repaid first, beware of loan fraud.
Ant financial service is formal. Ant Financial is a formal financial company in China. Comply with national laws and regulations, and be qualified and put on record.
Ant Financial Services, full name of Ant Financial Services Group, started with Alipay established in 2004 and was formally established in 20 14. Ant Financial Services is committed to providing inclusive finance services for small and micro enterprises and individual consumers, and its product users are very official, including Alipay, Yu 'ebao, Zhaocaibao, Ant Wealth, online merchant bank, ant flower shop and Sesame Credit.
1. Application conditions
Borrowing students must be at least 18 years old, hold valid identity documents and have full capacity for civil conduct. Students who borrow money must be college students, graduate students or MBA students, and college students are starting a business or have started a business. If an individual has had loan experience, he must have good personal credit.
2. Loan process
Students apply for loans from banks, submit loan information and fill out loan application forms. The bank will examine the qualifications of students applying for loans. After examination, the bank signs a loan contract with the student who applies for the loan, goes through the relevant loan procedures, and the bank issues the loan to the lender.
Some people apply for student loans, choose loans for their own study, reduce family pressure, some people work hard to start a business, and some people fall into the wave of non-performing loans in order to buy famous brands. Among them, "campus loan" and "naked loan" are the best examples. College life is not for comparison, but for hard work. Don't borrow money for a moment's enjoyment, and finally you can't afford it.
Ant Financial's loan itself is relatively safe, because it has its reputation there, and Ant Financial is also a regular company.
The loans of Ant Financial include: loan, online business loan, reserve fund, small and micro enterprise loan, etc. Moreover, Ant Financial also has an online merchant bank, which can provide a lot of loans and is relatively safe.