Therefore, if your salary can enter Alipay without a bank card every month, you'd better apply to Alipay to print your monthly income stream. This running account Alipay will have an electronic signature as evidence, regardless of whether the bank approves it or not. You must show it to the loan officer, because you have a job, but there is no running water for your salary. The running water is only your personal entry and exit record, so you must prove your income in more ways. And if your income is far from 2.2 times the monthly payment, then you'd better come up with some other evidence to prove that you have enough repayment ability, such as whether you have a rent collection certificate, whether you have an investment and financial management contract, whether your high-income immediate family members can guarantee you, or whether you have an industrial and commercial business license.
First of all, we understand that running water is a record of capital inflow and outflow every month. Generally, it requires at least half a year, and some banks require one year! According to local conditions, say hello in advance! Second, the monthly income is at least twice the monthly payment. If there are car loans at the same time, such as 3000 car loans and 5000 mortgages, the monthly income is at least 13000! ! I see. Next, let's talk about the problem of running water 1-if you punch in, of course it's easy. Have enough time to go directly to the bank and print it out for free! 2- Running water doesn't mean you have to be a bank. If you add up the daily accounts of several cards, you can type out all the records in recent months and submit them together! 3- The key is to create your own running water! ?
At least half a year before buying a house, you should start to prepare, probably calculate the monthly payment, and strive to get about 3 times the target in your heart! Save it on the same day every month. If you don't take it, you can stay for half a year. If you need to take it out halfway, the money left in the monthly card will eventually be at least twice as much as the monthly payment! The most beautiful running account is monthly income and income! ! Really not, as long as the bank card is not too strict, find an intermediary or hundreds of related acquaintances can get it!