Liquidity calculation table discounted borrowing.
Measurement method of working capital: itemized detailed estimation method and expanded indicator estimation method. The detailed itemized estimation method is based on the relationship between turnover amount and turnover speed to separately estimate each current asset and current liability that constitute working capital. The expanded index estimation method is to obtain various liquidity rate indicators based on the actual data of existing enterprises, and multiply various liquidity rates by the corresponding cost base to estimate liquidity.
Calculating the demand for working capital loans means scientifically and reasonably measuring the amount of working capital occupied by the company based on the characteristics of the company's production and operation, and based on this, determining the reasonable demand for working capital loans in different periods. To improve the efficiency of fund use and ensure the rational use of funds. The demand for working capital loans should be determined by the difference between the working capital required for the borrower's daily production and operations and the existing working capital (i.e., the working capital gap).