If the student loan has been settled and there is no loans overdue record at present, you can apply for provident fund loan. However, past overdue records will affect the loan amount. "Generally speaking, if loans overdue exceeds 18 months, the loan amount will be 30% off; Accumulated overdue for 6 months to 12 months will enjoy a 10% discount, and the loan amount depends on the actual overdue situation of the applicant. "
However, in actual application, the ratio of monthly repayment of loan principal and interest to monthly household income shall not exceed 50%. It is easy to be overlooked that the borrower currently has other loans, which are included in the calculation of monthly repayment of loan principal and interest. Relevant personnel explained that "other loans" include all loans such as housing loans, consumer loans and student loans. This means that if Mr. Wu has other loans that need to be paid monthly, if the monthly principal and interest of all loans exceed 50% of the monthly income, it will also affect the application for personal provident fund loans.