When a bank applies for a loan, the bank mainly looks at the applicant's current repayment ability and credit history. If the applicant has a good credit record and sufficient repayment ability, he can apply for a loan in the bank.
Therefore, you can only apply if you can't pay off your personal mortgage. What needs to be understood is that since the personal mortgage has not been paid off, if you apply for a loan in the bank again, the bank will look at your repayment ability according to your current income and monthly payment. So in this way, because there are still mortgages to be repaid, the amount of loans that individuals can apply for will also have a certain impact.
If an individual has not paid off his mortgage, it is better to apply for a small loan than a large loan. Unless there is a mortgaged property in the applicant's name, the bank will still check the applicant's repayment ability.