In advertisements, attractive loan platforms such as "zero interest rate, zero guarantee and no service charge" will be used to attract students' attention. Don't take the initiative to handle these offers as soon as you see them. Some loan platforms also have campus agents on campus. Driven by high commission, agents are likely to blindly expand their business regardless of students' personal interests and information security. This means great risks for college students and the loan platform itself.
With frequent cases of online lending, the Ministry of Education and the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued a notice to strengthen the supervision of non-performing online lending, issue early warning information to students, and establish a real-time early warning mechanism for peer-to-peer lending on bad campuses. Secondly, the loan platform should strengthen risk early warning, establish strict lending process and approval mechanism, standardize lending process, properly evaluate college students' borrowers, and comprehensively consider their risk tolerance and repayment ability.
It is understandable that college students enjoy financial services, and the current rapid development trend also shows that there is indeed market demand. I remind all students that when handling student loans by installments, we should first calculate the monthly interest and all the interest to see if it is within our tolerance, and compare the interest rates of many formal loan platforms, and then choose how much to borrow and how much to installment according to our actual situation. Never be careless.