When you apply for a student loan, the bank will give you two choices when you graduate. One is one-time repayment, that is, all the loans you borrowed are paid off without paying any interest. The other is to sign an installment repayment agreement with the bank, using installment repayment, but with interest.
As for how to repay the loan after graduation, how to make money is your business. One thing you must know is that money is lent to you, and it is only natural to pay back the debt. The bank will not consider whether you can repay it for you. By default, since you can repay the loan, you should not come to the loan because you have no repayment ability at all. My suggestion is that you are unlikely to choose one-time repayment in this situation, but as long as you can find a permanent job after graduation, it is no problem to repay by installments.
Finally, I would like to remind you that if you choose to repay by installment, but you don't repay according to the repayment plan at that time, the bank will not only take you to court, but also record your bad credit in the bank credit information system. At that time, you couldn't apply for a credit card or loan at any bank. This situation will only be eliminated if you have no new bad record for seven consecutive years.