If the loan cannot be collected, the general company will have an assessment mechanism, such as deducting performance pay and so on. Loan officers of microfinance companies generally have risk money, which can be paid when you join the company, or deducted from the proposed performance salary every month as risk money. This venture fund is used to compensate for the risk of your loan. If your loan is recovered well, the money will still be yours in the end.
Loans from microfinance companies will generally be made in the form of mortgage loans.
When there is a problem with the loan, he applies to deal with the property he mortgaged to the loan company. If the loan officer does not issue loans in violation of laws and regulations, he can guarantee to recover the loans even if there are risks.
Therefore, you don't have to worry about taking big risks. As long as you follow the regulations and do a good job of collateral, there is basically no problem.