The monthly income of the lender is not up to standard. In fact, in terms of loans, the bank's standard requirement for the monthly income of the lender is twice that of the monthly payment. If it is not up to standard, you can make a secured loan. Or you can provide a part-time income statement. Some banks can include part-time income when applying for a mortgage. If it is a husband and wife, they can repay it together.
If the mortgage is refused because of the house itself, then this time is generally divided into two situations, one is the new commercial housing, and the other is the old second-hand housing. Newly-built commercial houses rarely fail to get loans, but in this case, you have to wait for the real estate company to solve the problem itself, and the other is to negotiate a refund, which can reduce your losses.
The debt is too high. In general, the bank has several requirements for the applicant's debt. The overall debt ratio cannot exceed 50%, and the current number of loans cannot exceed 4. If we say these indicators are not up to standard, it is easy to be rejected. So try not to get too much debt when buying a house, or you will be in trouble.
For the down payment, the money was only entrusted by everyone in the bank and did not fall into the pockets of developers or landlords. If the loan is rejected, the down payment will definitely be recovered normally. Generally speaking, in order to avoid problems or losses when buying a house, it is best to prepare the necessary conditions and funds before buying a house, otherwise you will be in trouble.