The amount of credit card loans is generally related to the total amount of credit cards. For example, if the total credit line of an individual in a bank is 654.38+10,000 yuan, then the credit card loan line will not exceed 654.38+10,000 yuan. The amount of consumer loans depends on the specific provisions of each platform. For example, loans can reach up to 300,000 yuan, micro-loans can reach up to 200,000 yuan, and Xiaoman Finance usually spends up to 200,000 yuan. 3. Different repayment methods. There are many ways of credit card repayment, including full repayment, installment repayment and repayment according to the minimum repayment amount. Consumer credit loans are generally repaid on a fixed date after installment, but of course they can also be repaid in advance. 4. Different opening conditions
The conditions for credit card loans are similar to those for credit card processing. Generally, we will comprehensively refer to everyone's work income, fixed assets, real address information, and payment of five insurances and one gold. And then evaluate the credit card loan amount on the basis of meeting the conditions for handling the card. Consumer credit loans, such as borrowing money, micro-loans, and spending money on financial management, generally provide my ID card and bank card to keep the phone open, but whether it is a credit card or a consumer credit loan, we will generally refer to everyone's credit report.
5. The interest-free period is different.
Credit cards may have a certain interest-free period according to the regulations of different cards. Consumer credit loans generally begin to bear interest from the date of the next repayment. The main difference between credit loans and lending loans is the difference between lending institutions. In April this year, China People's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission, foreign exchange bureau and other financial management departments jointly interviewed Ant Group and announced the rectification plan. One of the requirements is that "flower buds" and "borrowing buds" will become the exclusive consumer credit products of Ant Consumer Finance Company, and the consumer credit issued by other financial institutions with the help of data information provided by Ant Group will no longer be labeled as "flower buds" and "borrowing buds". The CBRC requires Ant Group to take effective measures to ensure that financial consumers can fully understand the names of credit service providers when applying for consumer credit services and avoid brand confusion.