Generally speaking, bank loans can be withdrawn, and the money will be transferred to your bank card, so it is good to withdraw cash directly from the bank card. If you want to cancel the loan, you shouldn't sign at the last step of the procedure. It doesn't matter whether you apply or not. It doesn't matter if the loan is finally approved. You can also withdraw cash after applying for the fast loan line of CCB. As long as you enter the mobile banking of CCB, the step of lending can be put on the bound CCB card, and then you can withdraw it for use. The repayment method is one-time repayment of principal and interest. It doesn't matter if you don't need to apply, interest will only be counted if it is useful. If it's useless, it doesn't count as interest. Just leave it there. After the expiration of the one-year contract, the quota will automatically expire without any influence. If you really want to cancel, contact the branch account manager in advance to complete the loan performance for you. You can call or cancel directly at the counter and tell the staff that you don't need to use this service. The premise is that if you apply for a quick loan, it is best to keep in mind the repayment date and try to repay it a few days in advance, so as to avoid the unsuccessful automatic deduction and affect your personal credit information. To be sure, CCB's fast loan is a must. After all, it is a big bank and has close ties with the central bank.
1. Review risk: The emergence of loan risk often begins at the loan review stage. From the disputes in the comprehensive judicial practice, we can see that the risks in the loan review stage mainly appear in the following links.
1) The content of the review omits the loan examiner of the bank, resulting in credit risk. Loan review is a meticulous work, which requires investigators to systematically investigate and inspect the qualifications, qualifications, credit and property status of loan subjects.
2) In practice, some commercial banks do not have due diligence, and loan examiners often only pay attention to the identification of documents, but lack due diligence. It is difficult to identify the fraud in the loan and it is easy to cause credit risk.
3) Many wrong judgments are due to the fact that banks did not listen to experts' opinions on relevant contents, or professionals made professional judgments. In the process of loan review, we should not only find out the facts, but also make professional judgments on relevant facts from legal and financial aspects. In practice, most loan review processes are not very strict and in place.
2. Jianxin Express Loan has created a brand-new loan model, and customers can complete the loan process by themselves only by applying online. If the customer fails to apply for a quick loan from CCB, there may be two main reasons:
1) You need to be an individual customer of CCB to apply for "quick loan". If you don't become a customer of CCB or apply for CCB shield, customers can't apply for quick loans.
2) In the process of fast loan, you need to insert a shield. If there is no shield, you can apply for a loan and get the loan approval amount, but you can't complete the whole loan process. At this time, you need to make sure that you have your shield with you.