Online loans can be said to have completely ruined a group of people. There are often news about people committing suicide because they owe online loans. This incident is even more sad. A man committed suicide by burning charcoal because he owed 60,000 yuan for an online loan. It makes people feel helpless and sad at the same time.
First of all, many people did not imagine that they would owe such a huge amount when they borrowed online loans.
When they first took out a loan, many young people just wanted to buy a mobile phone or computer of their choice. After calculation, they believed that repaying a few hundred yuan a month was completely within their financial tolerance. They listened to the propaganda. As the saying goes: “Spend tomorrow’s money to fulfill today’s dream”, this kind of saying falls into the trap of online lending.
After borrowing online loans, they will find that borrowing money is very easy, and more and more desires cannot be satisfied with money, and they will fall into the quagmire due to the use of vanity. .
Secondly, many people choose to use loans to support their loans because they are worried about calls from online loans to their parents, relatives and friends.
Long-term loans are most likely to cause the problem of unpaid debts, and many people can only choose to use loans to support their loans because they are unable to repay online loans on time. They are worried about collection calls from relatives and friends. It will make you lose face and make those closest to you worry about you
Once these people use loans to support their loans, they are destined to fall into the trap of online loans.
In addition, many people can only end everything by death.
Under the influence of interest compounding, many people find that they cannot afford to repay high-value loans. However, the threats, intimidation and harassment of collection calls are hurting those around them. In order to escape this predicament and not bring this trouble to their families, they can only choose to end everything by death.
Actually, to be honest, it’s not that they can’t repay the loan at all, but they can’t stand the mental pressure and can only go to the abyss of despair. This is a way of escaping, and it is also a way for relatives to hate and enemies to enjoy. However, they only make this choice out of desperation.