1. Maximum amount of personal credit loan100000. If you need a loan of 50 thousand, it is feasible. But it is better to apply for a loan before resigning. It is more difficult to apply for a loan after resigning, because you can't show your work certificate. 2. The basic procedure for applying for a bank is: the borrower submits written loan application materials, including ID card, household registration book, personal income certificate and other relevant application materials required by the bank; Banks should review and investigate the application materials submitted; After the bank has passed the examination and investigation, it will sign a loan contract with the borrower; Bank loan, the applicant uses the loan; The Borrower repays the loan on schedule as agreed in this Contract. 3. If you want to know whether your qualifications meet or you want to apply for a loan, you are advised to log in to /QuickLoan/index.jsp? Dashi=aijiarenle for evaluation. If you need to know more, you can add me. Check my user name.
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