The best time for early repayment of a car loan is six months to one year. From a financial point of view, the best time for early repayment is usually in the first third of the loan term. For example, for a three-year loan, it may be more cost-effective to repay it early after the first year, because the interest paid is relatively small, and it can also ensure a certain repayment ability, especially when the loan is full for one year, most of the Banks will not charge liquidated damages when customers request early repayment. They only need to pay the remaining arrears, and subsequent interest will be waived. However, if the bank still requires payment of high liquidated damages after one year, then early repayment may not be required. Cost-effective, need to be considered comprehensively. In addition, early repayment generally requires making an appointment with the lending institution 15-30 days in advance and preparing relevant information, such as ID card, loan contract and early repayment agreement.