Mortgage rate calculation formula: mortgage rate = sum of loan principal and interest ÷ appraised value of collateral × 100%.
Different mortgage interest rates have different effects on relaxers and borrowers:
As a borrower applying for mortgage loan, of course, I hope that the higher the mortgage interest rate, the better, so that I can get a higher loan amount; As a bank or loan company, for the sake of risk prevention, it is necessary to reasonably determine the mortgage interest rate.
How to determine the mortgage rate is based on the following points:
The applicability of collateral and liquid collateral is strong, and its liquidity is judged by its applicability. For those with poor liquidity, the mortgage interest rate should be appropriately reduced.
The changing trend of collateral value can generally be analyzed from the following aspects.
1) Substantial depreciation, that is, depreciation caused by wear and tear in use and natural loss.
2) Functional devaluation, that is, devaluation due to relatively backward technology.
3) Economic depreciation or appreciation, that is, depreciation or appreciation caused by changes in the external environment.