How do you know if the company you borrowed is compensated by the insurance company? This information usually appears in the guarantee column of the loan company's credit report, which will record the time and institution of insurance compensation, as well as the accumulated compensation amount and balance. Click on the agreement to view the details, and you can know which company provides such services and the details of the services. This compensation agreement is to be submitted to the central bank's credit information center for review, so it will definitely be explained in detail.
The text message you received said that the debt was compensated by the insurance company, which should mean that the loan company has this business, and the loan company will start insurance compensation after you are overdue. What are the consequences after insurance compensation?
First of all, it doesn't mean that you don't have to repay the loan when the insurance company compensates the loan. You still have to pay it back, but you paid it back to the loan company before, and now you have paid it back to the insurance company that helped you compensate.
Secondly, your personal credit report will produce overdue compensation information. Originally, you made a green mortgage loan in a loan company that doesn't accept credit information, probably because it won't affect your credit information if it's overdue, but with insurance compensation, it's empty talk that this loan company doesn't accept credit information.
Finally, will this insurance claim record always exist in your personal credit report? Some people worry that this will become an indelible stain for life. It won't be that serious. As long as you contact your insurance company in time and pay off the principal and interest of the loan you owe, this message will disappear in five years. Of course, if you don't return it, you will follow it all your life.
Look, these days, even loan companies buy insurance for their own funds. Do you also consider giving your family a comprehensive protection?