Lenders lend money to your bank card, and the bank must have a record. Whether the money really reaches your bank card, the bank can directly check it at a glance. So, you don't have to worry about your credit information. When it comes to bank card transfer, you should be vigilant.
In addition, if the other party puts money into someone else's account, it's not your problem. Because the banking system will check the account name and account information. Even if you tell the other party that the card number is wrong, your name will not be wrong. If the bank finds such a mistake in the process of re-operation, it will refund the money. It is impossible to transfer money to other accounts.
Even if there are people with the same name and surname as you, the number of the bank card is wrong. It's none of your business if the other party transfers the money to that person's card. Don't worry as long as the money doesn't reach you. Just go to the bank and check the whereabouts of the money, because both the bank card and the bank account belong to real-name registration system.
What are the precautions for online fraud:
1, don't be greedy, don't trust online part-time jobs and cash withdrawals;
2. When conducting online banking and Alipay operations, make sure to use a secure browser and log in to the correct website;
3. When shopping online, you should choose a regular and large-scale e-commerce. Set complicated payment passwords and change them regularly. It is best to choose "password+check code" double verification;
Never buy improper products online. For example, mobile phone monitors, diplomas, exam answers, etc. Almost 100% of these so-called "commodities" on the Internet are scams and cannot participate in illegal transactions.
5. Don't open strange emails at will, especially emails with attachments or emails claiming to win prizes;
6. Try not to "surf the Internet", and do not connect to unknown WiFi in public places;
7. Now WeChat is full of links such as measuring personality and fortune. These links usually require you to provide basic information such as name and age, and the background will also directly obtain your mobile phone number and other information;
8. Don't upload personal sensitive photos and data to the cloud;
9. Try not to disclose your name, telephone number, home address and other information in all plain text of the website;
10, install antivirus software for your computer and mobile phone, and it should become a habit to kill viruses regularly.