If you want to find a loan from a non-bank institution and are short of money for serious business, you can borrow it from your relatives and friends. If you want to spend in advance, just bear with it. Loans from private companies are either swindlers or much higher than bank interest, all of which are compound interest, that is, the interest is settled every month, and the interest next month becomes the new principal. This is called usury.
Online loan risk warning: those loans that require you to pay the advance payment or the first month's interest are all liars. Be careful when you pay. He won't give you money. As long as the money doesn't hit your card, it's a liar to collect your money on the pretext of packing in advance, paying the first month's interest, paying verification funds, activating funds and remotely operating deposits! Who told you to pay the money first? 1, more than 0,000% is to cheat you. After you give him the money, his phone number, QQ and WeChat can't be contacted anymore. Therefore, those who ask you to transfer money and remit money before the money arrives are liars!