Apply for a loan amount according to your own ability. When applying for personal housing loans, borrowers should make correct judgments on their economic strength and repayment ability, and at the same time make correct and objective predictions on their future income and expenditure.
Generally speaking, we should carefully determine the loan amount, loan term and repayment method after analyzing our expected income trend from our age, educational background, industry prospect of our profession, the nature of our company and other factors, and considering the factors of large future expenditure, and design the repayment plan according to our income level, leaving appropriate room.
Choose a good loan bank for mortgage. For borrowers, they can choose their own loan banks to buy existing houses or second-hand houses. The more services provided by mortgage banks, the more detailed they are. You will get flexible and diverse personal financial services and a rich portfolio of services and products.
For example, ICBC Shanghai Branch has launched a series of new measures, such as canceling the notarization link, canceling the income certificates of some customers with stable professional income and strong solvency, adjusting the loan term for borrowers, and allowing borrowers to change collateral and real estate rights.
Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Mortgage