Suppose one of the two guarantees you made is unable to repay, but if you don't repay him, it will affect your loan. The details of your loan amount are too complicated, and the worst thing may be that you can't borrow directly from the bank after the deadline.
These two kinds of guarantees depend on what kind of guarantee you made at that time. If it is the first type, your guarantor is unable to repay, and you don't choose to repay, then his collateral will be auctioned and you have priority. But it will affect your credit information. Two guarantees don't affect you. You can ask the bank account manager when signing the loan contract.
It will have something to do with your husband, who has the obligation to repay debts in the marriage law. When you get a marriage certificate, the Civil Affairs Bureau won't know that you are guaranteed. These are two systems, and there is no communication between them.
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