As long as the car loan repayment is normal, the legal person has sufficient repayment ability and will not affect the later house loan.
I am a legal person, so the company applied for a loan. Now that I buy a house, it will affect my application. ...
Third, does corporate loans have an impact on buying a house?
It doesn't matter that a legal person can borrow money to buy a house. However, the loan conditions need to be met: 1, legal and valid identity certificate and marital status certificate; 2. Good credit record and willingness to repay; 3. A stable source of income; 4, the purchase of commercial housing sales (pre-sale) contract; 5. The ability to pay the down payment for the house; 6. Open a personal settlement account in a bank; 7. Effective guarantee recognized by the lender.
Fourth, does the company loan to buy a car have an impact on the company loan to buy a house?
1. The company borrows money to buy a car, as long as the procedures are legal and timely. Will not affect corporate loans to buy a house.
2. You are a company legal person. It is normal for the company to borrow money from the bank to buy a car. As long as the procedures are legal, return it in time. Your personal loan will not be affected.
3. The company is insufficient, and the legal loan is reasonable and legal. Although you are a company legal person, you are eligible for a loan to buy a house!