How long can postal micro-loans be released?
Applying for postal micro-loan needs to go through multiple examination and approval links. First, the borrower applies for a loan from the bank; Then the Postal Savings Bank that accepts the loan will review the qualification status of the loan applicant and the loan materials submitted, and conduct on-the-spot investigation if necessary, and then hand over the investigation results to the examination and approval personnel; After the approval, the loan contract can be signed and the loan can be issued. The whole process will take at least 57 working days, and the general approval results will come out within three days after the investigation.
When actually applying for a loan, the lending time of the loan is not fixed, and often the qualification of the user will also affect the lending progress of the loan. Users are advised to prepare all the information as much as possible when applying for a loan.
The above is the introduction of postal micro-credit lending, hoping to help.