Loans are generally divided into credit loans and guaranteed loans according to whether there is guarantee or not. Guaranteed loans are further divided into guaranteed loans, mortgage loans and pledge loans. Generally speaking, the mortgages recognized by banks are mainly real estate such as houses, factories, machinery and equipment, etc., and the pledges are mainly securities such as bank deposit certificates and treasury bonds. Although the inventory of manufacturing enterprises or commercial enterprises also has a certain value and can theoretically be mortgaged, because banks have difficulty in effectively supervising inventory and lack of assessment of the market value of inventory, banks are generally unwilling to accept inventory mortgage loans. Way. In this way, for those companies that lack suitable collateral, it is difficult to obtain loan support from banks even though they have large inventories. This embarrassing situation exists for most small and medium-sized enterprises. Warehouse receipt financing is essentially a method of inventory mortgage financing. Through a tripartite agreement between a bank, a warehousing company and an enterprise, a specialized warehousing company is introduced to play the role of supervising and keeping the collateral, evaluating the value of the collateral, and guaranteeing the collateral during the financing process, so as to achieve the goal of The enterprise's inventory warehouse receipt is a financing method that is mortgaged. Warehouse receipt financing is suitable for bulk goods with high liquidity, especially primary products with a certain international market size, such as metals and raw materials, ferrous metals and raw materials, coal, coke, rubber, pulp, and agricultural products such as soybeans and corn. Any specially-made goods, professional machinery and equipment, textiles and clothing, home appliances and other products are generally difficult to obtain bank warehouse receipt financing opportunities.