Corporate liabilities refer to the current obligations formed by past transactions or events of the enterprise, which are expected to lead to the outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise. Current obligations refer to the obligations that the enterprise has undertaken under the current conditions. Obligations arising from future transactions or events are not current obligations and should not be recognized as liabilities.
The liabilities of an enterprise can be divided into current liabilities and non-current liabilities according to its liquidity.
Current liabilities: refer to the debts repaid within a business cycle of one year or more, mainly including short-term loans, accounts payable and advance receipts, taxes payable, salaries payable to employees, etc.
Non-current liabilities refer to liabilities other than current liabilities, mainly including long-term loans, bonds payable and long-term payables.
How to borrow money when the debt is too high?
First: apply for bill installment.
If there is a large amount of credit card consumption one month before the loan, if it is not handled, this credit card consumption will be reflected in the bill and also in the credit report. In order to reduce the debt, you can apply for bill installment at this time, and allocate the bill amount of this period to the due amount. For example, the bill amount is 654.38+ million, divided into 24 installments, so the amount of each installment is only about 465.438+067, which is undoubtedly much lower than 654.38+ million. In this way, you can hide your real debt, and the more stages you have, the deeper you hide it.