To ensure that the lender has the strength to repay the loan. When an individual or enterprise borrows money from a bank, in order to reduce the risk, the bank does not lend money directly to the individual, but requires the borrower to find a third party (guarantee company or qualified individual) to guarantee.
In general, no guarantee company is needed. Before the real estate license comes out, in order to protect their own rights and interests, after signing the purchase contract, the developer is responsible for the early guarantee (the developer needs to pay a certain percentage of deposit to prevent some owners from defaulting on the supply and affecting the quality of bank loans); Unless the developer's qualification is too poor, a guarantee company is needed.
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Mortgage method
1.? Personal housing entrusted loan is the full name of personal housing guarantee entrusted loan, which refers to the personal housing loan issued by the housing fund management center entrusted by commercial banks with housing provident fund. Housing provident fund loan is a policy personal housing loan, on the one hand, the interest rate is low; On the other hand, it mainly provides such loans to low-and middle-income workers who pay the provident fund. However, because the interest difference between housing provident fund loans and commercial loans is above 1%, both investors and ordinary people who buy houses and live in their own homes are more inclined to choose housing provident fund loans to buy houses.
2.? Personal housing self-operated loans are loans granted to individual buyers with bank credit funds as the source. Also known as commercial personal housing loans, the loan names of banks are different. China Construction Bank is called individual housing loan, and Industrial and Commercial Bank and Agricultural Bank are called individual housing guarantee loan.
3.? Personal housing portfolio loan refers to a loan issued to the same borrower with housing provident fund deposits and credit funds for the purchase of self-occupied ordinary housing, which is a combination of personal housing entrusted loans and self-operated loans. In addition, there are housing savings loans and mortgage loans.
Housing loan-Baidu encyclopedia
Does Quanjiao Ren Hao need a guarantee company for loan?
Quanjiao Ren Hao loan does not need a guarantee company. In most cases, bank loans do not need the guarantee of a third-party company. As long as users are not applying for secured loans, banks will not ask users to provide guarantors or guarantee companies.
Why does Ping An Bank need third-party certification for its loan, and what responsibilities does the third party have?
The reason why it is necessary to go to a third party for certification is because Ping An Bank will buy insurance from the guarantee company under Ping An to prevent the loss caused by the failure to repay the loan, thus involving a third party.
Generally, the third party needs to bear the guarantee responsibility in the bank loan, that is, the guarantee obligation that the debtor should perform according to law when the main debt cannot be fulfilled, such as the property responsibility of shareholders for the company's debts, the responsibility of the guarantor for the main creditor, and the responsibility of the seller for guaranteeing the defects of the goods sold.
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People's Republic of China (PRC) Securities Law
Article 12:
If there are more than two guarantors for the same debt, the guarantors shall bear the guarantee liability according to the guarantee share agreed in the guarantee contract; If there is no agreement on the share of guarantee, the guarantor shall bear joint and several liabilities, and the creditor may require any guarantor to bear all the guarantee liabilities, and all the guarantors are obliged to guarantee the realization of all the creditor's rights.
Article 17:
If the parties agree in the suretyship contract that the surety shall bear the suretyship liability when the debtor fails to perform the debt, it is a general suretyship.
The guarantor of a general guarantee may refuse to undertake the guarantee liability to the creditor before the main contract dispute has been tried or arbitrated and the debtor's property has been enforced according to law.
Under any of the following circumstances, the guarantor shall not exercise the rights specified in the preceding paragraph:
(1) The debtor's domicile has changed, and it is difficult for the creditor to ask him to perform his debts.
(2) The people's court accepts the bankruptcy case of the debtor and suspends the execution procedure.
(3) The guarantor waives the rights stipulated in the preceding paragraph in writing.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Guarantor's Responsibility